Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
is a nationally recognized college readiness program. AVID students graduate and attend college at higher rates than their peers, but more importantly, they think critically, collaborate and have high expectations. AVID...
- strengthens academic skills while challenging students to excel.
- builds community and relationships creating a positive, supportive peer group.
- offers guidance and mentorship from AVID teachers and tutors.
- challenges students with coursework in writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading.
Questions? Contact the AVID Coordinator Katie Allebach at Katherine.allebach@mpls.k12.mn.us
- What does AVID look like for students?
- What is expected of AVID students?
- What can students expect to gain from AVID?
- What are the requirements to be an AVID student?
- How do students join AVID?