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Staff Directory

< 1 2 3 4 5 6 > showing 61 - 90 of 164 constituents

Sheri Harris

Teacher, Social Worker
South High

Sheryl Harten

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High

Abdulkadir A Hassan

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High

Mohamed Hassan

Associate Educator
South High

Osob Hassan

Associate Educator
South High

Delainia Haug

Teacher, English
South High

Randy Hedlund

Teacher, Science
South High

Ideasha Hill

Special Education Assistant (1:1)
South High

Montana Hirsch

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High

Gary Hoffert

Teacher, Special Education (SERT)
South High

Meg Hoyt

Teacher, Science
South High

Abdirahman Hussein

Teacher, World Languages (Somali)
South High

Joseph Hyser

Teacher, CTE (Trades & Manufacturing)

Kahlil Imaun

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High

Lorene Irons

Teacher, Special Education (SERT)
South High

S. Jamison

Teacher, Special Education (SERT)
South High

Greg Johnson

Security Monitor
South High

Antiquika Jones

Teacher, English
South High

Thomas Jung Jr

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High

Suzanne Kehr

Teacher, English
South High

Jill Kilibarda

Teacher, Social Worker
South High

Jeanne Kintop

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High

Maybelle Koland

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High

Jonathan Krasean

Teacher, Math
South High

Nicole Lamb

Assistant Principal, South
South High

Laura Lanik

Teacher, Social Studies
South High

Amado Lay

Teacher, Special Education (SERT)
South High

Diane Leblanc

Teacher, Math
South High

Edward Lee

Associate Educator
South High

Evelyn Lee

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High
< 1 2 3 4 5 6 > showing 61 - 90 of 164 constituents