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Staff Directory

< 1 2 3 4 6 > showing 31 - 60 of 164 constituents

Michelle-Marie Cecena

Associate Educator
South High

Fred Cheng

Teacher, TOSA General
South High

Maureen Colleran

Teacher, English Second Language
South High

Chad Collins

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High

Travis Collins

Teacher, Special Education (LD)
South High

Mariana Cress

School Success Program Assistant
South High

Brian Darrington


Don Dilla

Teacher, Counselor
South High, Counselors

Odell Dorsey

Custodian, Second Shift Lead

Corbin Doty

Teacher, Art
South High

Jonathan Edington

Teacher, Music
South High

Caitlin Eide

Teacher, Special Education (SERT)
South High

Max Elofson

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High

Andrea Estenson

Teacher, Library Media Specialist
Northeast Middle

Theodore Fabel

Teacher, English
South High

Morgan Fierst

Teacher, Math
South High

Khadra Fiqi

Coordinator, Youth & Adult Programs
Youth & Adult Enrichment

Joshua Fisher

Teacher, Social Studies
South High

Anna Freeman

Teacher, Social Studies
South High

Abigail Gaul

Teacher, Social Studies
South High

Carmen Gavin Vanegas

Teacher, Science
South High

Sarah Genosky

Teacher, Science
South High

Ebony Gilmer

School Cook

Jane Gottfried

Teacher, Library Media Specialist
South High

Michael Grant

Teacher, Counselor
South High, Counselors

Simon Guaman Mainato

Family & Community Liaison (ESP)
South High

Allen Guindon

Teacher, English
South High

Ruth Guzman

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High

Lila Hallet

Special Education Assistant (Program)
South High

Mick Hamilton II

Teacher, Science
South High
< 1 2 3 4 6 > showing 31 - 60 of 164 constituents